科隆名單/Kölner Liste

科隆名單是2006年由科隆體育學院和德國萊茵奧運委員會發起的,為世界頂級運動員安全食品營養補充劑提供測試的機構。 科隆體育學院是世界反興奮劑領先機構之一,在這個領域擁有最先進最嚴格的檢測方法。 所有送檢產品經過嚴格的檢測,確認完全不含興奮劑及任何違禁成為,才會被填寫到科隆名單上。


▲ 德約科維奇


高級運動領域對產品安全和質量有著特別高的要求。 近年來,FitLine 系列產品成為世界各地許多頂尖運動員的首選。 他們深信,FitLine 系列產品能夠幫助他們發揮出最佳的競技狀態。 他們之所以對我們充滿信心,很大程度上是因為FitLine系列產品會定期自願接受「類似興奮劑的合成類固醇」含量測試。


The Kölner Liste was launched in 2006 by the Cologne Sports Academy and the Rheinland Olympic Committee to provide testing for the world's top athletes' safety food supplements. The Kölner Sports Academy is one of the world's leading anti-doping agencies and has the most advanced and rigorous testing methods in this field. All submitted products undergo rigorous testing, confirming that they are completely free of stimulants and any illicit bans will be entered on the Kölner Liste.

(For details, please visit: https://www.koelnerliste.com)

The advanced sports field has particularly high requirements for product safety and quality. In recent years, the FitLine series has become the first choice for many top athletes around the world. They are convinced that FitLine products can help them to play the best competitive state. Their confidence in us is due in large part to the fact that FitLine products regularly receive voluntary "synergistic anabolic-like synthetic steroids" content tests.



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